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Our Services

Swedish massage (2)
Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage

Thai Combo Massage

Thai Combo Massage

Deep tissue massage
Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Chair massage
Chair Massage

Chair Massage

Foot massage
Foot Massage

Foot Massage

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Couples Massage

Couples Massage

    Tao of Massage is your haven of serenity in the heart of Riverside, CA. As a premier spa, we offer a range of luxurious treatments that cater to your relaxation and wellness needs, including various types of massages.

    Our Swedish massage is a timeless classic that focuses on gentle strokes and relaxation techniques. It's the perfect choice to unwind and alleviate stress, promoting a sense of tranquility.

    Experience the rejuvenating benefits of Thai massage, where acupressure and stretching harmonize your body's energy flow. It's a holistic approach to relaxation and balance.

    For those seeking deep relief from muscle tension, our deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscles, promoting improved mobility and easing chronic pain.


In our fast-paced world, our chair massage offers a quick and effective way to relax your neck, shoulders, and back, even on the busiest days.

Your feet deserve some pampering, too. Our foot massage provides a soothing experience, relieving tension and promoting well-being from the ground up.

At Tao of Massage, we take pride in our professional and responsible approach to spa and massage therapy. Our clean and tidy environment ensures your satisfaction with every visit. Come and experience the difference for yourself.

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