Chair Massage

Chair Massage

Chair Massage

In the hustle and bustle of life, finding a moment for self-care can be challenging. That's where chair massage therapy at Tao of Massage in Riverside, CA, comes in. It's a convenient oasis of relaxation and revitalization.

Our chair massages are a sanctuary of tranquility in a busy world. Designed for those with limited time, these sessions provide a quick escape to unwind and de-stress. In just a couple of minutes, you can experience the soothing touch of skilled therapists, addressing tension in your neck, shoulders, back, and arms.

At Tao of Massage, we believe in the power of massage therapy to enhance well-being. Our expert therapists combine their knowledge with the art of touch, creating a holistic experience thatLeaves you invigorated and reenergized.

To enhance your relaxation, you also have the option to complement your chair massage with a quick mini facial. This allows you to pamper your skin after your muscle-relaxing chair massage, creating the perfect blend of skincare and stress relief in no time.

Life moves fast, but self-care shouldn't be sacrificed. With our chair massage therapy, you can prioritize your well-being in the midst of your busy day. Experience the perfect blend of spa luxury and convenience with us.

Our Services

Swedish massage (2)
Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage

Thai Combo Massage

Thai Combo Massage

Deep tissue massage
Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Chair massage
Chair Massage

Chair Massage

Foot massage
Foot Massage

Foot Massage

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Couples Massage

Couples Massage